FAIR Research IT Innovation Lunch

Uit ITforResearch bij Universiteit Utrecht

Versie door Rik (overleg | bijdragen) op 23 jun 2022 om 08:56

Op deze pagina kan je een overzicht vinden van de FAIR Research IT Innovation Lunches die we bij de UU ITS afdeling Research & Datamanagement Services organiseren. Deze hebben meestal een technische inslag. Zo'n lunch bestaat uit een presentatie van ca. 20 minuten gevolgd door een uitgebreide discussie. Het publiek bestaat vooral uit ITers.

Deze lunches zijn "in het echie" en er worden geen opnames gemaakt.

Wil je zelf iets presenteren of sta je niet op de uitnodigingenlijst? Stuur een email naar Rik Janssen of Lazlo Westerhof. Of schrijf je onderwerp hieronder bij de Groslijst onderwerpen.

12 september 2022

Jason Maassen is one of the developers of the Research Software Directory (RSD), developed by the eScienceCenter. The RSD is a content management system for software, made for institutes for whom research software is an important output. The system is designed to be flexible enough to allow for different data sources, database schemas, and so on. By default, the Research Software Directory is set up to collect data from GitHub, Zenodo, Zotero, as well as Medium blogs. For each software package, a product page can be created.

The UU is participating in a project with other universities to help the eScienceCenter to make it more easy for institutions to use the RSD for making their software more visible. Software developers of faculties at UU and research engineers of RDMS (yes, that might be you! 😊) will be asked to use the "new" RSD by registering their software. Maarten, Martine and Rik will collect usage experiences and tips for improvement of the RSD.

So basically, this lunch is the kick off of this project at the UU. The new version of the RSD will be released around the end of August, and will have a lot of improvements.

22 september 2022

Jill Briggeman will present I-Analyser (some of us might be able to login with SolidID), the online text and data mining application of the Digital Humanities Lab (DHL). With I-Analyzer, users can search full text, create visualizations and export subsets. DHL keeps on improving and expanding this tool every time they manage to acquire funding, and the application (or components functioning as basic building blocks of code in other development projects) is probably generic enough to be useful to researchers from other disciplines than the humanities as well. In collaboration with the UB, DHL also adds new corpora on a regular basis. The somewhat time consuming issue there is the preparatory work (e.g. they are trying to harvest an updated version of the entire KB newspaper collection, which is quite an effort).

For anyone present at the June 9 lunch, the project "Using big data to explore reader responses to translated literature database” has also stored its data in I-Analyser.

Groslijst onderwerpen

  • Projectleiders van de Research IT innovatieprojecten uit 2018 en 2019.
  • Integratieplatform,
  • OpenStack.
  • OpeNDAP.

Archief Research Innovation Lunch

Hieronder staan presentaties die we eerder gehad hebben.

9 juni 2022

Gijs-Walt van Egdom will present "Using big data to explore reader responses to translated literature database."

24 juni 2020

IT Innovation Fund 2018 project: “A Time to Every Purpose under Heaven: Extracting Dates from Hebrew and Aramaic Texts”.

  • Presentatie door Ortal-Paz Saar, Sheean Spoel en Jelte van Boheemen (ca. 20 min).
  • Discussie (ca. 20 min).
  • Ortal-Paz Saar researches religious studies and Jewish cultural history. She is particularly interested in portraying the interaction between different religious traditions. Ortal-Paz is also fascinated by digital humanities and tries to incorporate these in her work. Her current research is focusing on funerary culture, and she is developing a DH international project titled PEACE: Portal of Epigraphy, Archaeology, Conservation and Education on Jewish Funerary Culture.
  • Zie ook het nieuwsbericht over de honorering van 21 januari 2019 en het bericht over de start van het project van 15 april 2019.

14 mei 2020

  • VREs, door Maarten Hoogerwerf.

13 februari 2020

  • Shiny, door Kees van der Eijden.
  • Project Global Goals, hoe heel veel webpagina's te crawlen, door Martine de Vos en Jelle Treep:
    Our PI, Maya Bogers (Geo) wants to study how the Sustainable Development Goals (UN 2015) have resulted in changes in governance networks. We used AWS to retrieve all external hyperlinks among 312 international organizations as available in the Internet Archive.