Ricgraph - Research in context graph

Uit ITforResearch bij Universiteit Utrecht

What is Ricgraph?

Ricgraph, also known as Research in context graph, enables the exploration of researchers, teams, their results, collaborations, skills, projects, and the relations between these items.

Ricgraph can store many types of items into a single graph. These items can be obtained from various systems and from multiple organizations. Ricgraph facilitates reasoning about these items because it infers new relations between items, relations that are not present in any of the separate source systems. It is flexible and extensible, and can be adapted to new application areas.

More information

To learn more about Ricgraph, go to www.ricgraph.eu. You may also want to read the reference publication: Rik D.T. Janssen (2024). Ricgraph: A flexible and extensible graph to explore research in context from various systems. SoftwareX, 26(101736). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101736. Extensive documentation, publications, videos and source code can be found in the Github repository.